June 20th | Meeting with Public Officials
Key Takeaways
The City leadership discussed being impressed overall with the recovery progress in the City of Panama City thus far. While there is a lot of work still yet to do, they noted that the City should be proud of where they are today in terms of recovery.
The City leadership discussed the engagement with the public for the long term recovery planning process. They noted the success of the engagement so far, but also noted
important next steps. These next steps included continuing to reach out to underrepresented groups and understanding which future processes city-driven and which future processes will be citizen-driven. -
The meeting highlighted the need to ensure that the process of long-term recovery planning is transparent. City leadership reiterated their commitment to transparency to promote trust in government. The public comment period also reiterated the need for this transparency.
Overall, the City leadership noted that the four lines of effort are of equal priority. There was discussion as to which needs will likely be addressed first and which will come later. Commissioners noted that both infrastructure and safety and security act as the base, to support the development of a strong economy and improved quality of life. Based on the
varied impact of the storm within each ward, Commissioners noted specific priorities within their respective wards.